Hey, everyone! We would like to thank you for all of your generous donations over the past month! Your support has helped us continue to fight police brutality and pursue Black liberation in the Phoenix Metro area through education, healing, art, and protest events. Our organization is currently powered by your donations and the labor of volunteer work. We appreciate you all for helping us build!
Black Lives Matter Phoenix Metro is a collective of community members primarily led by Black women and queer folx, and we center those directly impacted by systems of oppression.
Please make your donation specifically to our local organization, instead of the Black Lives Matter Global Network/Black Lives Matter Foundation, because local Phoenix organizers on the ground and local victims of police violence do not receive support from the Black Lives Matter Foundation.
Your donations help us:
Cover rent at our Black-owned meeting space in the heart of the community
Put on direct actions, educational programs, trainings, and healing programs
Food and supplies for meetings, events, and actions
Fight for and support victims of police brutality in the Phoenix metro area
Black people have historically had our labor and intellect extracted from us for free or almost no compensation; our people must be compensated for our emotional and physical labor. Donations made through blmphxmetro.org are tax-deductible.